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Articles by Laurie

About Laurie Wexel

Laurie Wexel is a nutritional researcher and speaker on sports nutrition for the tennis player. She shares the latest scientific facts in simple, engaging terms, leaving readers and listeners both empowered and entertained.

Wexel is also the mother of fourteen children ages 21 years to 8 months old. Her twenty plus years of study - combined with the everyday practical life experience of raising a large and healthy family - have given Wexel a commanding grasp of sports nutrition and its role in helping athletes excel both on and off the courts.

Wexel is an avid tennis player and President of HealthyTennis.com, a business dedicated to the health of the tennis player.


The Power of Protein
If you asked most athletes what the most important nutrient was for performance, they would answer protein. They would be correct in giving that answer. Why is protein so vital? It builds hormones and antibodies, it is a component of enzymes, and it is also an important part of our muscle, skin, blood, organs, brain, nerves and even our genes. Laurie Wexel of HealthyTennis.com talks about this vital nutrient.

Does Glucosamine Really Work?
Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear disease that robs cartilage from joints. Known as a universal disease, osteoarthritis is a risk to everyone, and especially the active junior tennis player. Laurie Wexel explores the body's mechanisms for creating, maintaining, and repairing cartilage.

Whole Wheat, or Not Whole Wheat: That is The Question!
The title might sound a little funny, but it is a very important question. The recommendation for teenagers is three to seven servings of whole-grains every day. If eating whole-grains is so important, then it makes sense to know if what you are eating is truly whole-grain or not.

Nature's Rustoleum... Carotenoids!
So far in our discussions about nutrition for the junior tennis player, we have covered the importance of basic sports nutrition and the role of Omega 3 fatty acids in controlling the inflammatory response. In this article, we are going to discuss one of the athlete's biggest needs - and worst enemies - oxygen!

Fats... The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
Not all fats are the same. Good fats - like lipids, sterols and essential fatty acids - are absolutely necessary to maintain good health. Laurie Wexel talks about fats - and their role in the diet of the tennis player.

Nutrition Secrets for the Junior Tennis Player
Our newest contributor, Laurie Wexel of Healthy Tennis, checks in with a discussion of nutrition for the junior tennis player. Wexel talks about appetizing ways to replace fast and fried foods with healthy alternatives.

Head Graphene 360+ Radical MP Tennis Racquet Review (2021)
To purchase this product or for a much more detailed written review, Click Here!

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