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What Really Matters?

As a tennis coach I have learned a lot by observing others both on the court and off. There is one trait in people that is difficult to define, but we all know it when we see it... a strong character. Unfortunately, I have never found a direct link between one's level of character and one's level of ability on the tennis court. In fact, I could write a book on players who were rather weak in character, but were winners on the court. However, having had the privilege of living for over three-quarters of a century, I can say without hesitation, that there is a direct link between the level of happiness one enjoys and the quality of one's character.

As a father of five, I am most proud of my children when I am randomly approached by someone who tells me, completely unsolicited, about something good or admirable that one of the kids has done. In fact, I'm happy to hear the same type of stories about any of my family, friends, students, staff, and coaches. Of all the qualities that a parent could wish on their children, to me the most important is high character.

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Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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