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Meghana Komarraju Felt A Call To Serve

Meghana Komarraju didn’t have a personal connection to the military. Her parents came to the country nearly 20 years ago from India, and none of her relatives had served.

Meghana Komarraju Has Committed To Navy

But as the four-star senior began the college recruiting process, she found herself drawn to the service academies. They offered everything she wanted - an opportunity to play Division I tennis, strong science and math classes and leadership skills that would last throughout life.

“Growing up, I always felt very passionate about doing something for the country and it kind of all manifested during my junior year,” Komarraju said. “I realized service is a very valid path that I may end up taking. It was a little scary for my parents. But the more research they did, they began to love the idea almost as much as I did.”

Komarraju, a Vienna, Virginia native, decided to stay closer to home by committing to Navy. Her visit to the campus in Annapolis, Maryland convinced Komarraju she made the right decision.

“I love the team and how much spirit and camaraderie they have,” she said. “They put everyone before themselves, which I think is a very important skill to learn and something that is really nice to have when I go play college tennis. I don’t just want to win my match and do well, I want the entire team to do well.”

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Page updated on Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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