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Rademacher Finds Everything She Wants at Wichita State

Gaining a different vantage point on the court has reminded Bianca Rademacher why tennis became her passion.

Rademacher teaches little kids at the Woods Tennis Center every week in her hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska. Their unbridled joy about learning the smallest things is the essence of what sports should really be about.

Bianca Rademacher Has Committed to Wichita State
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“I think coaching and giving back has made her find her own love for the sport and enjoy it more,” said Rachemacher’s coach, Talor Wain. “She understands it’s not just about having to win all the time. There is a lot more to it, and she can see that in coaching those kids.”

Rademacher hopes her own path in tennis shows her students what is possible. The four-star senior recently committed to Wichita State, and will sign her national letter of intent next month.

Rademacher has lived in Nebraska her entire life and wanted to stay in the Midwest for college. She met Wichita State head coach Colin Foster at a tournament nearby Wichita State last year and realized the school was a great option.

“He was such a nice guy and he showed me around on a little tour of the campus,” Rademacher said. “I loved it so much. It just fit all the criteria I really wanted. I have dreamed about playing Division I tennis since I was little.”

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Page updated on Friday, February 14, 2025
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