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Talking with Virginia Tech's Jim Thompson

Special from NBC Sports

In college men's tennis, the Atlantic Coast Conference has always been packed with strong teams. This year, one of the hottest teams in the conference - as well as the nation - is Virginia Tech. Harry Cicma of NBC Sports recently got the chance to sit down with Hokie Head Coach Jim Thompson.


Questions and Answers

Harry Cicma (HC): Your Hokies are currently ranked #22 in the Campbell/ITA College Tennis Rankings, and you have been ranked in the top 15 - which is quite possibly the best start in the school's history. What has led to this success?

Virginia Tech Head Coach Jim Thompson
© Julie Wrege, TennisRecruiting.net
Jim Thompson (JT): We have worked very hard for many years to achieve this type of success, but this season we got off to such a great start with the home victory over Kentucky. We played extremely well and I feel the reason for this was we really prepared for it. We had a good fall and we played good competition. Our guys worked hard over the break and came back in shape and ready to start the season.

HC: The ACC Conference is, without a doubt, one of the most heavily-contested conferences in the country. What has it been like coaching against some of the NCAA's top talent?

JT: The ACC is certainly a very talented conference, and I have been very fortunate to coach in such a prestigious league. It is certainly the challenge that all coaches seek, and competing against the best is the only way to really improve.


HC: Your team beat 23rd-ranked Rice 7-0 during a dual match this season. Does this result prove that you are a contender for the national team title?

JT: I think putting that much value on any one result is a mistake. What it does say is that we have a very talented team that is capable of big wins. Rice has a good program and will certainly win lots of matches this spring, so we are fortunate to have played so well at home against them.

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