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Tournament Feature
Perez Takes Surgical Approach to Winning Title

MIAMI - While most elite junior tennis players dream of lifting trophies at Grand Slam tournaments while making millions of dollars, others such as Fabiola Perez have more realistic and altruistic goals.

Perez, 17, who last week dissected her way through three matches without dropping a set en route to the Girls 18s championship in the TennisRecruiting.net National Junior Level 7 tournament, is determined to earn a scholarship to a top college and eventually become a surgeon.

Fabiola Perez Captured the Girls 18s Title

“My aunt did charity work in Costa Rica and I would see 3-year-olds being left alone fending for themselves because their [poor] parents died so young,’’ said Perez, a native of Miami who grew up in Costa Rica from age 5-15. “Ever since then, I wanted to help people on the brink of death and give them a second chance at life.’’

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Page updated on Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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